The North Carolina State Fair and Tyrannosaurus Rex: No Bull
October 19, 2009- A Day at the State Fair
Yesterday we went to the fair. We were up at five and on the road before dawn.
  We arrived at the fair early and checked out the map before we went in. We were really very hungry and checked out what was on the menu but it turned out that it wasn't after all. We were most annoyed that we had to settle for a scratch-made State Fair ham Biscuit. mmmmm, good.
  After breakfast it was a rush to the rides and the terrible discovery of how un-Fair the Fair can be!! All was not lost as Junior was allowed to sit on the State-Trooper Chase Cycle and play with whatever he could reach. Which wasn't much. "Tomorrow" we will have the rest of our State Fair adventure.
 Today we completed our Marx Pot-Belly T-Rex page. As you can see, the Marx figures do paint up well but I wouldn't advise using enamel paint. It won't come off and reduces the value of the figures. They are collectibles you know. And yes. I know it is painted. I bought it this way hoping that the paint would come off easily. It didn't. Don't let this happen to you kids.
Fair and Fowl: Part Deux
When we last saw our intrepid fair-goers they were considering the variety of fun that the fair provides. Interestingly enough they were greeted favorably by other fair goers and were not shunned for looking at everyone and everything as potential pate.
They took time out to have their picture taken sticking their heads out of a sign that they thought was hiding their true, carnivorous, intentions. Their next stop was the state fair livestock exhibit and the 
outdoor fowl pond. This latter looked very tasty and reminded us that lunch wasn't far off. As if a reminder was needed...
 Okay, that was it! Too much talk of "biting" just makes a T-Rex ready to do some of his own. LUNCH TIME! Which proved quite tasty.... And then it was off to the 4-H building where a snack had been left unattended.
 Some of our veterans will recognize this interior and exterior. 

After that it was into the safest arms at the Fair for a short rest and then we went home. But not without a last ice cream for the road. All-in-all a GREAT DAY!
I have no idea what I will do tomorrow. Today we completed the Carnegie Triceratops page. Moving right along.
This page about our visit to the North Carolina State Fair for 2009 was taken from our regular blog of October 20 & 21, 2009.
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