A Flying Dinosaur at a Small Airport
The Flying Dinosaur Blog Archive
"A Fly in the Ointment"
December 6, 2009
Today Rexford had some friends flying in so he went out to our local airport to greet them. Some folks chose to wait inside but Rexford
found a comfortable spot to wait in ambush...uh, wait for his friends.
Meanwhile, back at the slave-camp where the site is produced the rest of the staff were working on creating new links on several of our pages. The Marx Monograph page, in particular needed updating as well as some other pages. These will not be updated in the blog as they do not effect content. The Marx Small Mold Group page has been updated with new content as was the Revised Mold Group page. But please, back to
the important stuff. There were a lot of signs at the airport but Rexford felt that since they weren't in Dinospeak, how important could they be?
His friends arrived and circled the airport. There were a number of visitors already landed and finding a clear spot proved a minor problem. But there
is always room for the manoeuvrable and the determined.
Tomorrow's page will most likely be on MPC's sad Stegosaurus, a pitiful herbivore of the mid 1960s and 70s.
A "flying Dinosaur"? NOT Rexford!
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"This is the last time I accept one of your invitations!"