The Bullyland Giganotosaurus is hand painted.
PAPO introduced the movable jaw in nonaction-figure Dinosaur toys and the Bullyland Giganotosaurus has this most attractive feature in common with the Papo Allosaurus , Spinosaurus, T-Rex and Raptors.
Several other manufacturers have produced their own variation on the Giganotosaurus, including SafariLtd/Carnegie, Schleich, and now Bullyland. What got me interested in this particular figure was seeing it on the Dino-Toy blog. I contacted Bullyland and received some samples which are who are featured on this page. And many thanks to you, Bullyland, for making this page possible
Weighing in at just short of a half pound (225 grams) and at 13.5" (34 cms) in length the Bullyland Giganotosaurus is a healthy (supposedly) 1/30 scale (actually at 50' it is 1/44.4 scale, but let's not quibble) figure which is one inch shorter than the Carnegie Giganotosaurus figure.
The Bullyland Giganotosaurus sets out on a hunt.
Here we come....
(But where are the Bullyland Giganotosaurus going? Who is to be their victim?)
In real life the Giganotosaurus lived nearly 100 million years ago during the late Cretaceous period, in what is now South America. It is recognized as the largest (Theropod) predator ever to walk the earth. On the other hand its favored(?) prey were the largest Dinosaurs ever to walk the earth themselves, the Titanosaurs who ranged upward of 120 feet and more in length and >100 tons such as Argentinosaurus and Paralititan. It is therefore my opinion, based on nearly sixty years of experience with Dinosaur toys that the Bullyland Giganotosaurus would hunt in packs or at least, as these two do, in pairs.
So let's take a look at that movable lower jaw, poseable if you prefer. First in the closed position...
...and here in the opened position.
And opened.
And closed.
As can readily be seen the Bullyland Giganotosaurus sly little smile opens to a wide world welcoming grin. As you peruse the (above) pictures you may note that the eyes are (hand)painted a base yellow with little black dots as pupils and are as the figure is presented by Bullyland-corp. And so, as I often do, I chose to do some (second rate) repaint on my Bullyland Giganotosaurus eye balls. Read on (and weep) at your own peril.
I do believe that this minor repaint, while quite imperfect, adds to the quality of the Bullyland Giganotosaurus, making it a somewhat less toylike and more creditable apex predator. I had strived for a golden colored eye with little black slits (similar to the Carnegie )Giganotosaurus but due to an unsteady hand and inadequately fine (I try to always blame my tools) brushes I settled for these mostly very deep, black eyes. Below are closeups of the left and the right eye.
And here is a closer-up of the new eye, the way I wanted all four to look, pretty much.
Here's looking at YOU, food.
Somewhere, in the 21st Century, an alarm goes off....
Time to get up Sylvia.
And it is off to the neighborhood cafeteria and breakfast for the (out of production but still a great product) Bullyland SoftPlay Apatosaurus (opens new window).
Meanwhile, stalking the beige carpeted pampas....
Shhhh, I think they're up on that mesa.
Arooooo!! Breakfast has flown the coop. Aroooo!
The Bullyland Giganotosaurus can be easily frustrated.
Stop crying, Stan. I think I know where the breakfast has gone. Let's go.
I can't shake the feeling we're being followed.
Paranoia will spoil your appetite, dear.
In order to get from one place to the next this Giganotosaurus has some rather nicely crafted feet:
Right foot.........................................................Left foot.
And for holding onto such food (or silverware) as required a steady grip, a pair of well wrought claws on its powerful forearms.
Right hand.........................................................Left hand.
The arms of the Giganotosaurus were longer than those of the T-Rex and with three claws were both typical of the Theropods as well as proving more useful, allowing for better table manners.
As for the overall detail a close look at the torso, right and left:
reveals a highly pebbled skin textured with rows of what appear to be ivory colored "scutes" (bonelike structures in the skin that acted as armor, a la modern turtles). The (hand)painting color is graded very nicely, blending from a dark green on the back to more of a light olive on the lower sides and belly that is an olive-pink hue. This follows from the rich orange-red head (as already seen) and the deep orange throat:
also showing the hinge of the jaw to the upper part of the head. Overall the figure makes a very excellent impression.
The Important question: What's for Breakfast? or is that Who?
Uh oh, unwanted guests at the breakfast table!
Let's go for that big one Ted.
da dum, da dum... da dum, da dum... da da da dummmm....
You get 'im Stan...
No, you get 'im first Ted...
No, no... you first....
No, no, no... you first....
If you two can't make up your minds I'll just be leaving now.
All right then.
Here goes....
The pair of Bullyland Giganotosaurus, Ted and Stan, are quick and deadly when they choose their prey and attack.
Get'im down, get 'im down!!
Shut up and BITE 'im!!
We're winning, we're winning.
Just keep biting, biting....
Those jaws open pretty wide.
I like the breast.
I like the thigh, and there are more of them.
Breakfast can take a lot out of all the participants.
Whew, breakfast is hard work.
Yeah, let's go get a cup of coffee.
ooohhhh... #@**&$@!!
The Bullyland Giganotosaurus comes with a little plastic (1.75" tall) human being for scale and a neat information card in three languages (English, German and French).
This Bullyland Giganotosaurus works, eats and plays well with others in its ostensibly 1.30 scale Museum Line Series. The Pachycephalosaurus:
Back off there ya red-headed goon.
But two are just too much.
While the Bullyland Triceratops:
I don't care, I'll take you both on. Get the point?
doesn't seem to care about how many Giganotosaurs he has to deal with.
So that covers the "works well with others," after all, The Bullyland Giganotosaurus job is eating. Yes? But "plays"? Well, Bullyland has two other apex Predators that are pretty cool. The Bullyland Museum Line Allosaurus may very well be the very best Allosaurus (opens new window) figure available today (and that includes the marvelous Papo Allosaurus (opens new window)):
while the other arch-predator is the very interesting, unique (and extremely nice) Bullyland take on the T-Rex: (opens new window)
When seen together
as seen above and below the softness of the Rex, the tight sculpt of the Allosaur and the somewhat toylike qualities of our current subject are readily apparent in their heads.
Once again I remind you, gentle reader, that there is no paleontological evidence of exactly how the Dinosaurs looked, what their skin textures and colors were in reality. It is all conjecture, even their physical appearance is largely conjecture, flesh imaginatively placed upon bones by knowledgeable forensic physiologists. I particularly like the Bullyland T-Rex and its nicely rounded appearance, for example.
Moving right along.
So. This is what they call a 'neighborhood.'
Giganotosaurs aren't exactly who you want prowling around in your neighborhood.
I understand that those buildings are for food storage.
Yes. "Free range" food....
(ed. Uh oh.)
The Bullyland Giganotosaurus is quite lean as can be seen from the Pterodactyl's view:
While the cockroaches (yes, they were around both them and now) view shows the excellent gradient in the color scheme:
And the detail on the bottom portions of the figure are done quite nicely as well. The over-all appearance of this Giganotosaur is really excellent.
The Marx Plateosaurus makes a delightful snack.
Hmmmm. Well, moving right along... again. The 'belly of the beast' includes the embossed manufacturer's name (Bullyland), country of origin (Germany- a special note: Bullyland is the only major manufacturer that does not make their figures in China.), the Euro required 'CE' verifying non-toxicity, the figure name (Giganotosaurus) and a very confusing "Scale 1.20". What the...? This ain't 1/20th scale!
Scale-schmale, we're the kings of this jungle.
"So tell me how I can get MY, mitts on a Bullyland Giganotosaurus." Is that about what you have in mind at this point? Well, easy enough then. First of all it can be found online for anywhere from $15.26 to $18.95, plus shipping and possibly sales tax too. Interestingly enough my most recent eBay search did not turn up a one of these. Or you can pick-up one (or more) at brick and mortar retail stores that happen to carry Bullyland Giganotosaurus, et al, figures. I have found a bit of difficulty in locating a store within fifty miles of where I live (or for that matter anywhere) that actually carries Bullyland. But then I live in what is considered "flyover" country. I'm sure they are readily findable in big important cities in the USA as well as throughout Europe.
(Perhaps, if you go to the Bullyland company website directly (opens new window) you can ask where the nearest retailer can be found. Yes. Yes. Yes. The site is all in German. A great opportunity to learn a foreign language if you don't already know, or aren't currently, German.)
And speaking of Europe.... The European Union has its own toxicity standards for toys and the now ubiquitous (and gigantoic) "CE" (can be seen on 'the belly of the beast') which means that the figure meets their standards and can be safely licked by one year-olds (not advised, however, you never know what jungles it has stalked through), chomped upon by toddlers (why would you allow your toddler to even play with this cool figure?) or handled by older children. So, Mom, perfectly safe as a gift for your Dino-crazed child or other relative or friend, including adults.
The figure, in fact, is made of a closely held proprietary secret formula which is an utterly benign white-rubber/plastic formulation for the figure itself and is (hand)painted with equally benignly formulated paints. That is all good. However my own experience with Bullyland figures is that the paint is a bit vulnerable to wear, showing the white underneath. The plastic itself is about as tough as any of them though. I suppose having an albino Giganotosaurus 20 years down the road isn't the worst thing in the world, especially if it hasn't poisoned your entire family with its toxicity- which it won't. Pretty cool, in fact. Like a Polar Bear... sorta.
The last thing I really like about this Bullyland Giganotosaurus figure is the reddish head. Ever since I first saw this picture-
I have really liked the red head on carnivores. I even painted one of my Marx T-Rex (opens new window) with a red head-
So whether these guys will be hunting in the yard-
Shhh. We've spotted an ankle.
or stalking about in your own Cretaceous creation-
We gotta get out of this place.
If it's the last thing we ever do.
I have no doubt that this figure will be a valued addition to the Theropod side of your collection.
"But," you ask, "what about the collectibility of this Dinosaur?" If it remains the only Bullyland carnivore to have the hinged jaw it may retain (or gain) some value down the road, after it is out of production and presuming it is not too mass produced. That value would be enhanced if nobody (including YOU) never plays with it and it is kept on a shelf or wrapped in silk and left in a draw or a box.
The Bullyland Giganotosaurus page is now completed We hope you are enjoying the show.
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We finally completed our first new page in quite a while, The Bullyland Giganotosaurus (opens new window) page and it is pretty much of a doozy. 59 new pictures and lots of text too.
What makes this figure unique is the movable/poseable jaw. Up until this Giganotosaur the only predator figures sporting such a jaw were from Papo, their T-Rex, Raptor, Spinosaurus, and Allosaurus. In this case that Bullyland Giganotosaurus jaw opens pretty wide-
This figure is a real departure for Bullyland and quite a risk to take. Pricewise it is less than the comparable Papo figures.
Sizewise it is about 13.5" (34.5cms) from tip of the nose to tail tip and about a half-pound (225gms) in weight. The mouth itself opens to 1.5" (3.75cm) which is twice as wide as the Papo T-Rex.
Mom said you have to share!
The actual pose, or positioning, of the figure is superb and it is beautifully balanced on its well sculpted feets.
All in all I would suggest you run out and get one (or two) before they get you....
A yard infested with Bullyland Giganotosaurs can be detrimental to property values.